Restorative Practices Playbook

Restorative Practices Playbook

When students have unfinished learning, educators create opportunities for students to learn. Unfortunately, this role seems to end when it comes to behavior. How can we turn behavior into a teachable moment?

Become adept in the skillful use of restorative practices. Educators will learn how to foster equitable discipline that reduces exclusion and creates a school community driven by relationships and respect.

Attendees will learn how to build a restorative practices school culture grounded in respect that builds agency and identity, establishes teacher credibility, sets high expectations, and fosters positive relationships by using these strategies:

  • Restorative conversations that equip adults and students with the capacity to resolve problems, make decisions, and arrive at solutions in ways that are satisfactory and growth-producing
  • Restorative circles that promote academic learning through dialogue, build consensus in decision making, and help participants reach resolution through healing
  • Formal restorative conferences that foster guided dialogue between victim(s) and offender(s) and include plans for re-entry into the school community

Additional Information

Registration includes continental breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snacks for both in-person dates.

Optional Virtual Coaching Sessions between Day 1 and Day 2 learning events.

Please note: The timing on this event has changed to end at 3:30 PM.

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