March 26, 2018

March is for Makeovers: 10 Clicks to Freshen Up Your Teaching

Revitalized PD, a how-to video series for Google Classroom, thoughtful digital lessons with HyperDocs — we’re just getting started!

Missing spring break? We have just what you’ll need to shake the dust off and make every day count.

  1. OMG Becky. PD is Getting So Much Better!! Cult of Pedagogy takes on how schools coast-to-coast are tossing one-size-fits-all professional development aside and engaging staff with dynamite teacher-learning.
  2. Ready to jump into Google Classroom, but not sure where to start? Go straight to the head of the class with this quick, free, video-based mini course from Shake Up Learning.
  3. Three reasons the in-class flip is worth trying. New to flipped learning? Click on over to our how-to.
  4. Teacher homework: Check out HyperDocs and craft thoughtful digital lesson plans — and swap with a community of educators.
  5. What’s next on your reading list? Pick up one of these must-reads now.
  6. These 10 ideas can make your teachers’ lounge a positive space. Amen!
  7. Agree or disagree: Students learn more when they do the work.
  8. Picture books aren’t just for the littles. Here are 10 to try in our middle school classrooms.
  9. Save grading time AND provide meaningful feedback? It is possible.
  10. Have you tried Prodigy? It’s a math game you won’t mind your students getting a little addicted to.

As teachers, we are doing what we love — so let’s take the time to love what we do! See you next roundup for more clickable inspiration.

Arizona K12 Center


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