Pop Quiz: What Are You Most Looking Forward to This School Year?

The bell's about to ring; here's what some teachers are anxiously awaiting.
Love meeting all the new kindergarteners and love seeing all returning students! So much stretching (getting taller) over the summer!
Molly Reed, NBCT
Outdoor Learning Teacher K-5, Tucson Unified School District
I am looking most forward to working with students. I love my summer, but really do miss my interaction and teaching moments with students.
Greg Broberg
Sixth Grade Humanities, Kyrene School District
I was on a STEM fellowship with the University of Notre Dame with two teachers from my school and spent two weeks with 20 schools around the nation collaborating and working on a STEM implementation plan for our school. I'm looking forward to share our plan with the rest of the school to integrate the latest teaching strategies and practices in science, math, technology, and engineering, then participating in research and sharing our results in Palo Alto, California at Stanford. Then start all over again next year in South Bend.
Karl Ochsner
Seventh and Eighth Grade STEM/1:1 Learning Coordinator, Diocese of Phoenix
Want to know how you can create a STEM implementation plan? Head to The Art of Making, held at Arizona Science Center, to immerse yourself in the world of creating, playing, and engineering.