March 4, 2016

10 Links for Your Spring Break

We curate the week's best teacher resources, whether lesson plans, book lists, or perfect printables.

Oh, March. Bringer of shamrocks and spring break. The halfway mark of second semester. And, for many of us Arizonans, inevitable rising temperatures. Got a moment? Grab a seat as we click our way into the new season.

  1. Arizona classroom spending is at its lowest since 2001. Read about it here.
  2. For secondary students struggling with organization, these tips on staying organized in high school could be grade savers.
  3. Are you a mentor for your fellow teachers? Check out this list of 11 things coaches should look for in classroom observations.
  4. Pressed for time? Try these family-friendly crockpot recipes: roast with vegetables, chicken fajitas, or curried butternut squash soup.
  5. Here’s a whole site dedicated to library displays and creative ideas to promote books from your collection.
  6. If you’re looking to work your green thumbs, these gardening lessons will sprout your creativity: seeds and plants activities, math in the garden, and a compost cup science experiment.
  7. Here’s a neat prewriting idea: Have students go to this website where they can upload a photo of themselves and fill it with words about themselves and their interests. Finally, a use for all those selfies!
  8. Teaching about outer space? How cool are these ideas for a space unit?
  9. Check out this list of 100 stores that give a teacher discount. Cha-ching!
  10. Gym can geek out, too! Phys Ed teachers, check out this blog’s top apps for PE teachers.

All right, all right. Back to the grind. See you soon for another resource roundup!

Arizona K12 Center


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