January 8, 2016
Attitude Impacts Aptitude

If attitude is contagious we better choose to be positive post-winter break.
We all know the dreaded feeling of setting an alarm for the first workday after vacation. It almost seems cruel.
Each click, press or swipe—using whatever type of clock you choose—feels a little painful. You can’t help but yearn for the first sip of tomorrow morning’s coffee or tea, even before your head hits the pillow.
But, it’s time to realize winter break has come to a close. As easy as it might be to lavish in self-pity, yearning to sleep in, read a book or spend an extra few hours with friends, we’ve committed to our profession.
For many Arizonans, the first week back to school this January has been cold, rainy and maybe even snowy. The words, “I wish we were still on break” have been thought, whispered and exclaimed by many. While this is typical of anyone post-break, we need to swap our negative comments for positive ones. As educators, if our attitudes aren’t right, our students’ will follow suit.
Whether it is a personal resolution, peer challenge or a student-selected goal, we must take personal responsibility for our work. It’s essential that we lead by example with our attitudes, which are revealed not only by our comments, but also by our body language.
So brew that extra cup of coffee, or go to bed a little earlier so you can put your best foot forward. Make the last two quarters, or semester, worthwhile for yourself, and especially for your students and colleagues.
Need some simple, yet positive inspiration? You’ll find an Arizona K12 Center Pinterest board dedicated encouraging words here.